October 2019 – Pictorial Monthly Update

“Kakumba Kanini”  Translated as “the time when the clouds start to form and sometimes even some rain”.  The Tonga words for what in English is known as October.  Very apt!    As you can see from the below image we have had a few showers –...

July Newsreel

A very busy month!  3 day canoe trips, scouting filming locations, elephants, night skies (and wildfires) staff portraits, bees, lake Itezhi Tezhi and setting up our Tonga Treebaskets.   [metaslider id=”5645″]  

June 2019 Newsletter

So back in May we had the mini marathon and so June kicked off with the Kaingu 100m sprint.  As Joel (barman) had sat out the mini-marathon we had no idea that he was going to take the honours in the 100m! Anyway, before all that on the way to our super track (i.e....