June 2023 and our regular pictorial news.

We start the month with some beautiful golden light while out on the river. Julia is then purchasing baobab fruits from Handson. Baobab is a feature of Kaingu, with it being our home made “baobab lemonade” welcome drink as well as at breakfast in powdered form to sprinkle on the porridge.

Then we have the lodge on the last night of our American groups from Overseas Adventure Travel. It was fantastic to have them here again properly (last year didn’t really count!).

Then the sighting of the month. Israel nonchalantly standing on the boat looking at a puff adder swimming the Kafue and taking a break from the fast water on some rocks. Unbelievable.

Then we did some photography with Emmanuel Mwiche who is a lusaka based pro photographer that we have known for ages and have always been keen to show him the area around Kaingu. Part of that included a star gazing session on Mpamba rock where I led 6 guests through some of the wonders of the dark skies.

Then Julia and I headed off on a bit of an exploration road trip. 450km around the Western boundary of the park. A lot of miombo…. More on that in a blog post sometime.

Then on our return the river was now low enough for our first rapids dinner of 2023. An event that is always worth a photo or two!

And then a bit of an impromptu photo shoot with the Kafue’s favourite pilot, Tanya.

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