Month of May.

Stargazing with Julia and Stephanie.  Stephanie joined us from Belgium on an internship.  This was them brushing up a bit before a bit of stargazing with guests.  

Lots of lanterns.  Received a new shipment of Dietz  Lanterns.  Safari staples… Lanterns and canvas! 

Dinner for 18. Hence the need for lots of lanterns!

And in daylight.

Daylight deck.  The one thing about safari lodges is that ‘gear’ takes an absolute hammering.  Constant daily use and exposure to the elements.  We sanding down and finished each and every directors chair.  A job that seems never ending.  Still, it all looked good when finally done.  

Steph heading off with Benny to set up an island sundowner

Dancing and drumming under the stars.  

Kaley and Panthera Leo.  Sightings for May were pretty good.  Long grass and lots of water were for sure there, but overall it was pretty good! 

Hippo through the deck.  This was an absolute highlight – from the guests perspective anyway.  A hippo decided to walk across the deck.  Fortunately this level of daftness is rare.  It hasn’t happened in years.  Total chaos! 

Repairs. Fortunately we had hardwood 2×6 in stock.  And screws and all the rest of it…. 

Precision.  Mike being unusually delicate.  While his talents are undeniable, at times he is not the most gentle of souls! 

Something completely different.  We grabbed a couple of nights down at the lake.  And were amazed by the small Kapenta traps that are put out every night.  As well as an alternative to the (over) conventional fishing it also is very atmospheric! 

Itezhi Tezhi town from 1000′.  The Kapenta traps are put out all over the lake.  

Pig on a spit.  A shot like this means that it is time for the annual Kaingu Fathers & Kids fishing weekend.  Anyone that is familiar with our social media content knows that this is an absolute highlight of our year.  It is something so different and informal.  

Fathers and kids on the rock

Stick bread.


Dance off! A three way competition – boys, girls and dads!

Mark and Victor choosing a song for the dads (winning) dance. Katerina finding the whole concept of dads dancing hilarious.

Back to more normal life!


Evening light and a monitor lizard

More normal safari goers!

JAAS. “Just” another African (almost) Sunset.

And lastly something VERY different. A group of dentists visiting the lodge offered free staff treatment and checkups.



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