Blog post/news time already! We literally cannot understand where the season has gone. We are now almost at the end of November and writing about October. Meanwhile it seemed like yesterday when we were opening up.
October is traditionally the ‘best’ safari month. The month when the sightings are at their peak. Sightings in October of course are accompanied by serious heat. We have written loads previously about how actually November can be better – at least from a photographic point of view. Now I realise that lion pictures are winners. I study our social media pages in depth and look at metrics a LOT. So I do know that a badly focused and blurry lion picture is always going to be more popular than a carefully composed and beautiful landscape picture that took vary careful planning and execution. So bearing all that in mind I am still going to go ahead and give you our October image set and not include a single animal. Just to try something different. No one will like it. But As we have been so late with our newsletter I already know that November’s one is totally rammed with wildlife. So here is October:

The absolutely stunning Zhibakamwale pools

Looking north up the river towards our famous rapids.

The pools where we often take guests to just sit, paddle and enjoy the river.

Absolute serenity – right around sunset on the Kafue river.

Zhibakamwale pools again

Top secret location south of the lodge. Starts with a “Z”

Then we turned traitor by taking a trip to a rock that wasn’t our beloved Mpamba…. Puku pan hill. Stunning views.

More from puku pan.

When you look at this image you might start to understand why we decided to dedicate a news ‘letter’ to the landscapes around us…. Or not. Probably you prefer blurred lions 😉