We are delighted to have received a 2014 Certificate of Excellence!
Love it or hate it, there is no getting away from the fact that increasingly everyone researches their safaris in detail beforehand and Trip Advisor is now becoming an essential research tool.
While we understand that people use it as a research tool it is not always an accurate reflection of properties. Trip Advisor currently lists Shumba Camp (The Kafue’s most expensive and luxurious camp) as a campsite…. certain reviews for one other camp are actually for a completely different camp. Etc Etc.
While it is a guide, it is just that. The way a camp responds to emails, answers questions etc must also be critically looked at. Do they sound like they know what they are talking about? Do they respond quickly? Or are they just shooting you a rate sheet and a one line reply…
There is no doubt that travel agents face increasing competition from people putting their own packages together. In our experience if you are working with a good travel agent that REALLY knows the camps, the transfer arrangements, how the country works – and what you the guest’s expectations and wants are – then you will reap the benefits.
Anyway, we would really like to say a big thank you to all our guests who contributed reviews over the last months. Twalumba!